Sunday, July 7, 2013

LED Compact Mirror

For everyone who likes traveling and be fierce anytime anywhere, you need something that can help you to apply and check your make up, something handy that you can carry on your bag, right? Because not all the places or rooms have the good lighting for make up. We all need lighting especially when it comes to the detail part such as eyes. If that is what you need, then this might be something that you are looking for, a LED Compact Mirror. This is 2 sides mirror which is equipped with bright white lights. One side is the "normal" mirror, and the other side has 7x magnification. It has no brand and they sell it in a few colors, mine is pink ;)


Where to buy?
Any beauty stores or if you live in Jakarta you can purchase it at SEIBU or METRO

About IDR 200.000,- (I forgot the exact price)


  1. Unik ci cerminnya ada lampu LED gitu.. Wajr si ya keunikan produk ma harganya. tapi tetep aja mahal dikantongku.hahaha
    Ci.. aku baru pertama kali liat blog kamu. Blog kamu bagus! Soalnya semua berwarna pink * aku penggemar pink loh*

    1. Oh ya? thx a lot :) Kapan2 kl gw ktemu cermin LED yg hrganya ringan di kantong, gw share ke loe...
