Sunday, August 4, 2013

ZAP Permanent Hair Removal

ZAP Front Desk

I feel like I need to share my experience with ZAP, not because it is sponsored.. no no no… I already finished my underarm treatment long time ago.. and I want to write about it because I was satisfied with the result.

Before ZAP, I tried hair removal treatment about seven years ago with laser but i forgot the name of the laser in one of the most well known beauty center in Indonesia (i am not going to mention the name of that clinic) and i was really really disappointed because my underarm skin irritated and compared to ZAP the price was more expensive. The process that they did began with exfoliating my skin with scrub, after that they directly laser the area where i wanted my hair removed without any shaving cream, cooling or protection gel or whatever applied before and after the process.

Around year 2009 or 2010 i searched for hair removal treatment on internet then i found ZAP, i decided to try. Back then, they only did home service - now they grows big - they have a few outlets in Jakarta and another town. I have fallen in love with it since the first treatment. There is hair that you do not expect grow in several parts of your face and body where they offer to remove but i only took treatment on armpit first to see how was the result – and boom – they proved it worked - my underarm hair 90% does not grow back - 10% hair growth is baby hair. And now i am in the process of brazillian. Below you can see the treatment room and me before zaping. Since my treatment is brazillian where is in a private area so i can not show you here.

Picture of me in ZAP treatment room before treatment

Well, seems like i am too excited with a long intro :)
I believe everyone knows about ZAP – it is kinda famous nowadays, but for you who does not know about ZAP yet - well, allow me introduce it for you. 

What is ZAP?
ZAP is permanent hair removal treatment specialist, using IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology that has passed Quality Inspection and has international recognized certificate (USA FDA and or CE approved). ZAP Indonesia is maintained and directed by a consultant from Australia to ensure ZAP able to provide International Standard Treatment and Services.

Who can have ZAP?
Everyone, male or Female who wants to remove their unwanted hair as long as not pregnant, blonde(born with blonde hair) and under 17 years old. IPL does not work for blonde hair. There is a minimum age to do this treatment, which is 17 years old – why? – because under 17 years old, your hormone are still unstable. What about the maximum age? – no limitation for maximum age.

What areas can be treated?
All areas of face and body but not in eyes area.

The preparation before zaping 
  • No plucking, waxing, hair-removal creams, tweezing or electrolysis for 2 weeks before treatment
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning products for 2 weeks before treatment or always use SPF 30 (UVA / UVB) sun block every time you go outdoors
  •  Remove all make-up and lotions

The process of zaping
  • First, therapist will clean the area where you want to have the treatment 
  • Second, your unwanted hair will be shaved with a new razor 
  • After shaving, therapist will apply “after shaving balm” on that area and a cooling gel to protect your skin
  • Then you have to put the glasses they provide to protect your eyes from IPL ray
  • After that, therapist will start do zaping by lighting the area with IPL - for you who have not tried laser kinda things before, you may get surprise - (like Indonesian always says "kayak digigit semut") it feels like bitten by ant or stung :D
  • After zaping, the area of zaping will be cleaned and given “after shaving balm” 
  • The process of zapping will take 30 seconds to hour, depends on the area of the body being treated and density of the hair

After zaping
  • Avoid bathing in hot water and swimming for 48 hour
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning products for 2 weeks after treatment
  • Since your hair grows in intervals of 3 cycles, between one treatment to the next treatment you have to wait 6 weeks. In these six weeks you are not allowed to pluck or wax the hair on the area which is being treated, if it is necessary you can shave it or do not do anything at all in order to achieve the desired result

How many treatment will I need?
Well, this is not a magic, do not expect miracle with one treatment everything (unwanted hair) will be gone… No no no, everything takes time so with this one. For permanent hair reduction, typically 5-8 treatments are needed. After those sessions, if your hair still grow (grow but less, the texture will be thinner, and it will grow slower) - you might still need a touch up treatment once in 3 month, 6 month or 1 year until the desired result is achieved.
My experience with underarm treatment took 12x sessions and I did touch up 2x times - total 14x sessions. My sister and my friends took less than 12x session, one only had 7x, other had 10x, and there is person who had more than 12x treatments. How come? Because everyone has different body and hormone level.

What about the hygiene?
Do not worry, they use disposable razor for shaving and use it just once - they will not use the same razor for different clients. IPL device will be cleaned after doing treatment.
  • Cheaper if you take package (like pay for 4x treatment you will get 1x treatment free or pay 6x + free 2x treatments)
  • Home service
  • It does not irritate the skin
  • Reduce underarm odor
  • Safe
  • The price is affordable
  • The result is satisfying
  • The therapists are friendly and informative

  • For home service - the gel is not cold
  • It does not make armpit skin whiter
  • It does not remove the ingrown hair
  • It does not work for blonde hair

ZAP is a hair removal expert. If you are looking for permanent hair removal, i suggest you to go to ZAP - believe me - you will not go to the wrong place. Where else you can remove your unwanted hair with affordable price, excellent result, good service and you can have wherever you want, just call and make an appointment - they will come to your place.

For more information you can visit their website :

If  you like this review please join my site, Twitter (yoveelicious), Instagram (yoveelicious), Facebook fan page. Have a nice day. Love and be fierce :*

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