Saturday, June 29, 2013

Welcome To My Blog

I'm not a dreamer, i'm a planner :) and why i'm here?? It is because of the requests of some people. Thanks for your concern, it motivates me to write on this blog.

Well, let me introduce myself... My name is Yovita Natalia. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia and i'm doing make up. Everybody calls my profession as Make Up Artist. Sometimes, i feel it's too heavy with the title "Artist" because i consider myself as a "New Kid" in this industry, i still need to learn and learn and do a lot of experiments to deserve that title. I let people call me with it actually, what can i do, i have no choice and they have no others title to replace it LOL :D

I'm interested with beauty, everything about it (from head to toe). I think it has begun million years ago since i was a kid hahahaha... (just kidding). Anyway, my job demands me not only to apply cosmetic products to my clients' face but i must have knowledge about the products itself. I like to try new things so i can say i have been used and tried cosmetics and beauty products also treatments since a young age. So, here i wanna share my experiences and knowledge and some of my works ;) to all of you out there who have the same interest with i have. Hopefully, it's informative and inspiring...

Welcome to my blog 

Love and be fierce, 

Yovita Natalia

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