Friday, October 31, 2014

Make Up For Ever Lift Concealer Review and Swatches #2 and #3

Everybody wants perfection but nobody's perfect. We try to cover up flaws in various ways, one of them is with concealer. Concealer is used not only as a magic wand to hide or minimize the appearance of blemishes, under eye puffiness, scars, skin discolorations, or other areas of the skin that look less than flawless, it can be used to improve the appearance of features too. There is no reason not to love and play with it but don't go with the wrong product - instead of making the problem areas that you want to hide look better - you may attract attention to it.

There are lot of things going on with our skin after a certain age, we want to conceal imperfections without looking like have little patches dotted over the face. So why not talk about Make Up For Ever Lift Concealer whose formula contains Tensine, an active ingredient with skin-firming properties for the eye area, and vitamins A and E which rejuvenate the skin.

It's the product that i recommend to wear everyday because like most typical concealers' packaging which come in plastic tube, it's portable. The other reason is the thin texture which is easy to blend with brush or fingertips. It's slightly thicker than foundation but not denser, and has a mild powder scent. The coverage is light to medium, buildable and creates smooth finish.

It covers minor blemishes and fine lines. It has brightening effect that helps to highlight under eye bags and dark circle. It naturally gives them an illusion of "fresh and awake" eyes without completely eliminate them. It's good for anyone especially for them whose skin around the mouth and eyes are dry because it doesn't settle into fine lines or crack. So it will save them from being emphasized.

  • It doesn't crack  
  • It doesn't look cakey 
  • It moisturizes skin

No big selection of this product since it comes only in 5 different shades and it's more beige in tone. You may not find the flattering shade for your skin but mix some colors will help you to get your perfect match.

MUFE Lift Concealer offers multiple benefits by hiding the signs of aging with its lightweight texture that is least likely to migrate throughout the day and cause breakouts.

Recommended for
Normal, combination, oily, sensitive and mature skin.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pandora Vanilla Shake in Grey Review + Pictures

Contact lenses with enlarging effect are being an epidemic in this country in the last decade. From celebrities to common people, everyone uses it. It is very tempting, many brands offer a various unique patterns as well as the colors and believe me if you are a soft lenses whore you will buy not just one but few - again and again. It helps to create an illusion of bigger eyes. That is why people especially who have Asian eyes love it. 

You may not believe, but I have been using soft lenses for about 16 years now. Although, I had eyes “LASIK” surgery 2 years ago but ya sometimes, I still wear it for photography needs. Black, blue, brown, green, grey, pink, transparent, violet, 1 tone, 2 tones, 3 tones, you name it I have been tried all of them. And now I am going to review about Pandora Vanilla Shake in Grey.

Pandora is a product from Japan, comes in a girly pink blister packaging. It has 5 different color choices such as blue, brown, green, grey, and pink with diameter 19.5 mm, water content 52%, life span 1 year and available from plano till -8.00. 

Pandora Vanilla Shake Grey in specific is 4 tones lenses with a black, grey, yellow and a bit of violet color, mostly you will see it as grey. Its light color and “sunflower” kinda pattern (like my friend said) give a “spooky” kinda look or I use to call “cat eyes” rather than natural. So if you expect a “dolly” look – you are not gonna get with this one. 

This product is big but it is not that big. If you think it will not fit to your eyes, let me tell you something, 19.5 mm is only the effect – the diameter of these lenses itself is just 14.5 mm, so do not worry – it is super comfy to wear. The lenses are very thin and I almost feel like I am not wearing any.

Since eyes “LASIK” my eyes became so sensitive and tend to dry. Sometimes, when I am wearing this product i feel fine but on the other day it could be so dry after 3 - 4 hours – depends on the places I have been (in an air conditioner room it gets dry quickly) but it is not a big problem, i can use eye drops. 

Overall, I like this product. From the color to the pattern to the comfort, all good. If you are looking an enlarging effect contact lenses which gives you a “spooky” kinda look then I definitely recommend this product for you.

Will you give a shot to these lenses? What kinda look you will you make with them if you are wearing it? Come share with us…

Read this article in Bahasa

Lensa kontak dengan efek memperbesar mewabah di negeri ini dalam satu dekade terakhir. Dari selebriti sampai masyarakat awam, semua orang menggunakannya. Produk ini sangat menggoda, banyak merek menawarkan beragam pola yang unik serta warna dan percayalah jika kamu adalah orang yang menyukai lensa kontak, kamu akan membeli tidak hanya satu tetapi beberapa - lagi dan lagi. Softlens membantu menciptakan ilusi mata yang lebih besar. Itulah mengapa orang terutama yang memiliki mata Asia (sipit) menyukainya. 

Kamu mungkin tidak percaya tapi saya sudah menggunakan softlens selama sekitar 16 tahun sampai sekarang. Meskipun, saya melakukan operasi "LASIK" mata 2 tahun lalu tapi ya kadang-kadang masih suka memakainya untuk kebutuhan fotografi. Hitam, biru, coklat, hijau, abu-abu, merah muda, transparan, ungu , 1 warna, 2 warna, 3 warna, sebutin saja, saya pernah mencoba semuanya. Dan sekarang saya mau mengulas tentang Pandora Vanilla Shake Abu-abu. 

Pandora adalah produk dari Jepang, datang dalam kemasan blister berwarna merah muda yang girly. Produk ini memiliki 5 pilihan warna yang berbeda seperti biru, coklat, hijau, abu-abu, dan merah muda dengan diameter 19,5 mm, kadar air 52 %, masa pakai 1 tahun dan tersedia dari plano sampai -8.00. 

Pandora Vanilla Shake Abu-abu secara spesifik adalah lensa dengan 4 warna yakni hitam, abu-abu, kuning dan sedikit warna violet, tapi secara keseluruhan kamu akan melihatnya sebagai warna abu-abu. Warnanya yang terang dan polanya yang hampir menyerupai "bunga matahari" memberikan tampilan (seperti yang teman saya bilang) "seram" atau saya biasa menyebutnya "mata kucing" daripada tampilan yang alami. Jadi, kalau kamu pengen tampilan seperti "boneka" – kamu tidak akan mendapatkannya dengan softlens yang satu ini.

Produk ini besar tapi tidak besar-besar amat. Kalau kamu pikir tidak akan pas di mata kamu, saya kasih tahu 19,5 mm itu cuma efeknya saja – diameternya sendiri hanya 14,5 mm, jadi jangan khawatir -  softlens ini nyaman sekali dipakai. Lensanya sangat tipis dan saya sendiri berasa seperti tidak memakai apa-apa. 

Sejak operasi "LASIK", mata saya menjadi sangat sensitif dan cenderung kering. Kadang-kadang, ketika saya memakai softlens ini saya merasa baik-baik saja tetapi dilain hari softlens bisa berasa kering setelah 3 - 4 jam pemakaian tergantung  tempat  juga sih (di ruangan ber-AC biasanya cepat sekali kering) tetapi ini bukanlah masalah besar, saya bisa menggunakan tetes mata. 

Secara keseluruhan, saya menyukai produk ini. Dari warna sampai pola sampai tingkat kenyamanan, semuanya oke. Kalau kamu nyari lensa kontak dengan efek membesarkan mata yang memberikan kesan "seram”, pastinya saya akan merekomendasikan produk ini buat kamu. 

Apakah kamu mau mencoba lensa ini? Tampilan apa yang ingin kamu buat jika kamu memakainya? Yuk berbagi dengan kami…


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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Make Over Eyeliner Pencil in Navy Blue Review and Swatches

There is an Indonesian proverb "Tak kenal maka tak sayang" which means "You don't know you don't love" - i think those words are suitable to describe my relationship with local brands the past few years. For quality reason, i was not really impressed with them. I used to underestimate before i gave them a try. But then, there comes a product which beyond my expectation has changed my point of view of local brands.

Well, it's Make Over Eyeliner Pencil in Navy Blue. I think I ran into this product by destiny. That time, i did make up for news presenter and she owned it. To be honest, what made me curious and wanted to try was its pretty greenish blue color that hypnotized. By chance, i love turquoise - somehow, it reminds me of ocean :) A few weeks later i went to a mall and found Make Over store, without thought twice i bought it.

The texture is smooth, creamy and frangible - that is why you have to be careful when you apply it if you don't want your eyeliner broke. It glides like butter. The color is super pigmented, you can see only in one swipe. When it sets, it's difficult to smudge. I tried to smudge it vigorously - damn - it's still there - only the shimmer transferred but too bad after couple hours wearing it i found this product dragged under my lower lash lines and onto crease area. To help lock it in place, i prime my eyelids and lower lash lines. 

In spite of the fact it wastes product in the process of making its tip pointed and the so so staying power. I still like it because it's easy to apply and the color is mesmerizing and subtle for everyday use with touch of a glam.

IDR. 80.000,-
  • Affordable
  • It is safe for waterline
  • Intense pigmentation

  • Waste pencil when sharpening
  • The staying power is so so

Put the pencil on the fridge 15-20 minutes before you use it in order to harden the texture of the product and avoid the frangible situation.

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