Sunday, September 29, 2013

L'oreal Hair Spa Nourishing Creambath Review

It is very important to keep hair healthy because your hair reflects your personality. Having beautiful hair can help to boost your self-confidence and mood and also gives a good impression from anyone who sees you. Rebonding, perming, coloring, pollution and too much exposed under the sunlight can damage hair such as dry, fall, frizzy, unruly, even split ends. Shampooing and conditioning are not enough to maintain healthy growth, you need a deep conditioning hair spa. Hair spa is a treatment that helps to make your hair bouncy, shiny and strong. To feel this essential therapy you do not have to regularly get professional help, you can do it by yourself at home. Easy, simple and save money.

Well, L’oreal Hair Spa Nourishing Creambath is not a new product. It must be familiar in many salons. I am a loyal customer of this one, I have been using it for about 10 years. Since I have hair coloring done every 3 months and very often style my hair with hair dryer, curling iron etc., my hair becomes very dry, that is why i need this product to nourish it. Now I want to tell you my experience of using this cream.

Product Information
“The nourishing formula is based on purified water, a cationic agent and conditioning silicone. The hair gains manageability and softness for healthy-looking hair with beautiful shine.”

 The Nourishing Creambath comes in a 500ml plastic jar.

The Hydrating Concentrate comes in a 8ml bottle.


 The texture of Nourishing Creambath 
The Nourishing Creambath after mix with Hydrating Concentrate

The Nourishing Creambath has a white thick silky cream kind of texture. The smell is really nice and stays for days. The Hydrating Concentrate is transparent liquid, and fragrance free.

  • Wash your hair with L’oreal Hair Spa Purifying Massage Shampoo (Sensory System 1) or if you do not have this product, you can use your daily shampoo – up to you… To get the maximum result, it is better to use the L’oreal Hair Spa Purifying Shampoo 
  • Dry your hair with towel – like 50% dry
  • Blend a generous amount of the Nourishing Creambath (Sensory System 2) with the Corresponding Scalp Concentrate (1 capsule)
  • Apply the mixture evenly and massage thoroughly into your hair and scalp for 20 minutes
  • Comb your hair with fingers or picks comb and leave for 10 minutes using a steamer or warm towel 
  • Rinse thoroughly

You can do this treatment as often as you want but ideally repeat it once in 2 weeks. Sometimes if I do not have time or too lazy to do it, I use it only once a month. According to my experience when i get hair loss, i will stop to use this product temporary till my hair loss stops because when i apply it and massage my scalp in this condition, my hair falls even more thru the massage process. 

  • The Nourishing Creambath IDR. 125.000,-/jar
  • The Hydrating Concentrate IDR. 10.000/bottle

  • It makes hair smooth, supple and shiny
  • It makes hair easy to manage and less frizzy
  • The smell is nice and stays for long time

  • For hair loss, it can not help to grow hair

L’oreal Hair Spa is a series of essential therapy that moistures the hair better, softer, and healthier. I highly recommend this product for those with normal or damaged hair. For those with supple and thin hair, you may think twice before you do this treatment because it will make your hair look more drenched.

Share your experience
with us if you have tried this product.

Hai DDG, belakangan saya dapat banyak pesan yang minta blog ini ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Setelah melalui proses timbang menimbang, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menulis artikel kali ini dan seterusnya dalam 2 bahasa, English dan Indonesia... ya ya ya... yang mau tepuk tangan silahkan ;) PR banget gak sih???? :) tapi karena saya cinta kalian semua oke lah, saya kerjakan....

Sangatlah penting untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut, karena rambut anda adalah cerminan diri anda. Memiliki rambut yang indah dapat membantu meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, suasana hati maupun kesan yang baik dari orang lain yang melihat anda. Rebonding, perming coloring, polusi dan terlalu banyak terpapar sinar matahari dapat merusak rambut, seperti kering, rontok, keriting ngembang gak jelas, susah diatur, bahkan bercabang. Keramas menggunakan shampoo dan kondisioner saja tidaklah cukup untuk mempertahankan pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat, anda butuh hair spa yang benar-benar melembabkan. Hair spa adalah sejenis perawatan yang membantu membuat rambut anda lemas, berkilau dan kuat. Untuk merasakan terapi essensial ini anda tidak butuh bantuan tenaga profesional secara berkala, anda dapat melakukannya sendiri dirumah. Mudah, sederhana dan hemat.

L’oreal Hair Spa Nourishing Creambath bukanlah produk baru. Ini sangat populer di salon-salon. Saya merupakan pelanggan setia produk ini, sudah menggunakannya selama kurang lebih 10 tahun. Karena saya mewarnai rambut setiap 3 bulan, dan sering sekali menata  rambut dengan hair dryer, curling iron, dsb., rambut saya menjadi sangat kering, karena itu saya menggunakan produk ini untuk menutrisi rambut saya. Sekarang saya ingin memberitahu pengalaman saya menggunakan krim ini kepada kalian semua...

Informasi Produk
“Formula nutrisinya terdiri dari air murni, cationic agent dan conditioning silicone. Rambut mendapatkan kekuatan dan kelembutannya sehingga terlihat sehat dan indah berkilau.”

The Nourishing Creambath hadir dalam wadah plastik 500ml.  
The Hydrating Concentrate hadir dalam kemasan botol 8ml.


 Teksture Nourishing Creambath 
Nourishing Creambath setelah dicampur dengan Hydrating Concentrate

The Nourishing Creambath memiliki teksture krim yang bewarna putih kental dan lembut. Aromanya enak dan tahan berhari-hari. The Hydrating Concentrate adalah cairan transparan dan tidak memiliki aroma.

Cara Pemakaian
  • Keramas terlebih dahulu menggunakan L’oreal Hair Spa Purifying Massage Shampoo (Sensory System 1). Atau jika anda tidak memiliki shampo ini, anda dapat menggunakan shampo yang biasa anda pakai sehari-hari - terserah saja... Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, sebaiknya gunakan L’oreal Hair Spa Purifying Shampoo
  • Keringkan rambut dengan handuk sekitar 50% kering
  • Campur Nourishing Creambath (Sensory System 2) secukupnya (dikira-kira aja) dengan Corresponding Scalp Concentrate (1 kapsul)
  • Baurkan campuran tersebut secara merata dan pijat rambut serta kulit kepala selama 20 menit
  • Sisir rambut menggunakan jari jemari atau sisir besar dan biarkan selama 10 menit menggunakan steamer atau handuk hangat
  • Bilas bersih ;)

Anda dapat melakukan perawatan ini sesering mungkin tetapi idealnya satu kali dalam 2 minggu. Kalau saya sedang tidak punya waktu atau malas melakukan perawatan sendiri, saya hanya memakai produk ini sebulan sekali. Berdasarkan pengalaman saya ketika saya mengalami rambut rontok, saya akan berhenti menggunakan produk ini sementara waktu sampai rambut saya benar-benar berhenti rontoknya karena ketika saya memakainya dan memijat kulit kepala saya dalam keadaan ini, rambut saya malahan semakin rotok melalui proses pemijatan tersebut.

  • The Nourishing Creambath IDR. 125.000,-/jar
  • The Hydrating Concentrate IDR. 10.000/botol

  • Membuat rambut terasa lembut, lemas dan berkilau
  • Membuat rambut mudah diatur dan tidak mengembang
  • Aromanya enak dan lengket dalam waktu lama

  • Untuk rambut rontok, produk ini tidak dapat membantu menumbuhkan rambut

L’oreal Hair Spa adalah rangkaian terapi yang benar-benar melembabkan rambut, membuat rambut lebih lembut dan sehat. Saya sangat menyarankan produk ini untuk siapa saja yang memiliki rambut normal atau rusak. Bagi yang memiliki rambut yang lemas dan tipis, anda pastinya ingin berpikir dua kali sebelum melakukan perawatan ini karena akan membuat rambut anda terlihat lebih lepek.

Bagi pengalaman anda bersama kami jika anda pernah mencoba produk ini.

Friday, September 20, 2013

NYX Black Label Lipstick Review and Swatches

This is my first review of NYX products, I choose NYX Black Label Lipstick because this product quite impresses me with its texture and pigmentation as I am a pigmented lipstick whore. My sister purchased it and she told me about her opinions about this product then I decided to try. I did not waste my money for something crap and now it is my turn to tell my opinions about it for you.

Product Information
“A creamy, dreamy lipstick with a velvety smooth finish and hyper-glamorous shades for every look and every inclination. NYX's Black Label Lipstick has rich emollient properties that ensure that the color glides on and envelopes your pout at the same time. From Extreme Red to Earthy to Hot Pink, Black Label Lipstick is available in a variety of lipsmacking hues.”

NYX Black Label Lipstick

It comes in a metallic grey tube which is a bit bulky. On the top of the tube there are name and code of the lipstick. On the bottom, you can see the color of the product thru the transparent cube. The transparent cube helps you to find the shade that you want to pick easily, especially if you put your lipsticks in a huge collections.

It is light weight creamy in formula, very smooth and silky makes it glide easily on lips. It has fruity bubble gum scent and glossy finish.

 Brick (coral)
Heather (neutral mid-tone pink)

Longetivity and removal
This lipstick is build up product, means it does not provide enough coverage. If you want to get natural look, apply it just one swipe -  but if you want to get a full coverage you can add 2-3 swipes. Since it is creamy, it tends to bleed so to make your lip precise, you may need lipliner on your outerline lips. It is comfortable to wear, it does not dry or peel lips and easy to remove. If you do not eat or drink, it will stay for 2-3 hours, after that it starts to fade.


  • Build up coverage
  • Glossy finish - you do not need to wear lipgloss
  • It does not dry or peel lips
  • Pigmented color
  • The price is affordable
  • The smell is good

  • It fades out quick
  • It tends to bleed
  • Only available a few shades in most of NYX counters in Indonesia

NYX Black Label Lipstick is a good quality product with brilliant packaging, great pigmentation, and good price. I highly recommend this product for everyday use especially for you who are suffered with dry lips.

Have you tried this product? Do you have color recommendation? Please feel free to share your comment below and do not forget to join this site, my FB fanpage, Instagram and Twitter. 
Love and be fierce :*

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Revlon PhotoReady Perfecting Primer Review and Swatch

Olla DDG,

Not everyone likes to use face primer -- i know -- but since we are living in a tropical humid country i think this step can not be skipped because the primer is the key for your make up to stay longer. It provides a layer to prevent make up absorbed into the skin.

Today i got this nice drug store primer product to review from Revlon. Revlon PhotoReady™ comes in two alternative primers, which are Revlon PhotoReady™ Perfecting Primer and Revlon PhotoReady™ Color Correcting Primer, which I think it is not necessary to choose Revlon PhotoReady™ Color Correcting Primer if your skin tone is even and if you have redness as long as it is fine - not like lobster, you absolutely do not need this one.

Product Information
According to their website: “Revlon’s NEW primers are lightweight primers that soften skin and diffuse light to help minimize flaws and even out skin texture. It creates a perfect canvas so that your foundation will glide on more evenly and smoothly. Primers can be worn alone or under foundation, and are oil free, talc free, fragrance free, paraben free. Try Revlon PhotoReady™ Perfecting Primer to soften skin, reduce the appearance of pores and fine lines, and smooth skin texture and tone.”

 The packaging

This product is packaged in a glass bottle with a black plastic pump. You can control the amount of product without over doing it. The problem that usually happens with pump bottle like this is the product dries up where it is pumped out and chunky but that is not a big deal.

 The texture

It is a lightweight whitish pink gel. It does not drip or slip around when you pump it out. I do not have the “perfect” word to describe the smell – well, it smells a bit like chemical thing but do not worry, it does not stick around for too long. It will be gone after you apply it.

Pump enough amount of the product out from the bottle and apply it with your fingers or brush in the entire of your face. If you apply with your fingers, make sure that you already wash your hand before you touch your skin, it is to avoid the skin to get pimpled. Apply primer after your daily moisturizer and before foundation. It can be worn alone or under foundation.

Primer applied in my hand (left) and primer applied in my face (right)

As you can see on the picture above, this primer blurred my pores and dark circles under my eyes. It looked pretty nice before i wore make up. It seemed mattify my skin in the first minutes i applied but after a few hours, my face started to get oily and the foundation i wore looked heavier even when i wore it in indoor in the evening time. I tried this primer with foundation for oily skin and also foundation for dry to normal skin. It held up a bit longer when i wore it with foundation for oily skin rather than when i wore it with foundation for dry and normal skin.

IDR. 170.000,-

  • It can be worn by those with sensitive skin since it is fragrance free
  • It does not clog pores
  • It feels weightless on skin

  • It does not make make up last longer
  • It does not mattify skin
  • It does not reduce the appearance of pores and fine lines

Revlon PhotoReady Perfecting Primer is not a brilliant product but it is also not bad. For oily skin, it does not do a great job to control the greasiness. It does not keep foundation last longer for entire day, but only by an hour or so. Since it is designed for photography needs, i think it is ideal if you wear it for indoor photoshoot which does not take a long time. I would recommend this product for anyone who does not want to spend money for high-end product, and for those with normal skin who look for primer which has not greasy finish but also not mattifying skin.

If you have tried this product, feel free to share your thought below ;)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ussy Sulistiawaty


Dress: DeLuXe by Hengki Kawilarang
Make Up Artist: Yovita Natalia
Model: Ussy Sulistiawaty
Photography: Yoga Agusta